Our Winning Record

Since 2021, Downriver Project initiatives have achieved $3.6 million for a 230-acre groundwater buffer and nature park; triggered a major municipal sewer system upgrade; led to the creation of the Wakulla Springs Lab at Florida State University; and defeated three dangerous oil and wastewater proposals. These include:

  1. A vigorous two-year effort by SunStop Oil to build a 16-pump mega gas station on the Wakulla Springs cave

  2. An elaborate campaign by Wakulla County officials to build a wastewater dumping site over a protected water supply as part of a land deal with a former county commissioner

  3. An attempt by a developer to pollute Spring Creek, leaving taxpayers to clean up the mess

Now, we’re working as part of the Kill the Drill coalition to keep an oil company from drilling in the Apalachicola River Basin. This is our biggest challenge so far.